Corona strategies in different European countries: how are things working out?

This blog post was written by Dewi Jager, part of the Exit Strategy Bulletin team.  During uncertain times, we tend to look to others for information. In these Corona days, it might be useful to look at the actions of other countries for our next steps. Right now, we are at the beginning of a […]

Benchmarking challenge

In my view, the discussions regarding the transparency of the epidemiological modelling ought to lead to a more constructive assessment of the reliability of such models. While I have not worked on models in this field, I do have experience with assessing methods for data analysis where similar concerns played a role. For that reason, […]

Wat is de beste strategie voor testen op Covid-19?

This blog post was written by Prof. Henk van Beijeren. Nu de lockdownmaatregelen versoepeld worden is het van het grootste belang uit te vinden hoe de te verwachten toename van het reproductiegetal R voor zover mogelijk kan worden tegengegaan door optimaal te testen en traceren. Uitgangspunt voor optimaal testen is dat het aantal tests, indien mogelijk wordt […]

Moeten we het idee van een generatie-gescheiden maatschappij verwerpen als exit-strategie?

This blog post was written by Prof Hein Fleuren from the Zero Hunger Lab at Tilburg University. Op 30 April schreef mijn collega prof. Jacob Wijngaard een interessante blog over de groepsimmuniteit op ‘Science versus Corona’. In de weken daarvoor had ik een ruw soortgelijk idee daarover al in de Slack-community (waarin wetenschappers ideeën uitwisselen […]

Studenten tegen Corona

Nadat op 12 maart de eerste coronamaatregelen werden aangekondigd, nam Samuel Hartman (student Crisismanagement) contact op met zijn studiegenoot Kevin Hofman. De vraag was: hoe kunnen wij en andere studenten iets bijdragen in deze crisis? Daarvoor richtten zij Studenten tegen Corona op. Ondertussen bestaat de organisatie uit een team van 7 studenten, en zijn er […]

Key Ingredients of Exit Strategies

This blog post was written by Prof. Henk van Beijeren and details key ingredients of exit strategies. In my opinion, an exit strategy ought to consist of two parallel tracks: reducing the number of infected people by maintaining serious lockdown measures to a level where it can be controlled by testing and tracing; and developing […]

Die Groepsimmuniteit, Misschien Moeten We Daar Toch Naar Toe

This blog post was written by Prof. Jacob Wijngaard De maatschappij kraakt onder de (intelligente) lock down. We moeten daar op korte termijn mee stoppen om geen onherstelbare schade te lijden. We moeten terug naar een maatschappelijk acceptabel niveau van contacten. Acceptabel in die zin dat zowel de economie als het sociale leven weer voldoende […]

Modeling Exit Strategies: Insights from Belgium

This blog post reports on progress made in modeling exit strategies in Belgium by Dr. Bhattacharya and colleagues At this time, various governments are planning the next phases to approach the Corona crisis. The so-called exit strategies have profound implications on how society and the economy will recover while keeping risks of a rebound and […]

Crowdsourcing Ideas for Exit Strategies

On April 10 we launched Strategies versus Corona, a platform to generate, model, and evaluate different exit strategies through a massive Open Science and Citizen Science based initiative. In the first phase, we called upon citizens and scientists from all walks of life to submit ideas on how to lift the lockdown (so-called ‘exit strategies’), […]

Moving Faster and Further in Corona Research Using Open Data

When the global COVID-19 pandemic was announced, scientists and organizations worldwide responded swiftly by volunteering research time and data. Some are studying the spread of the disease, others are studying the implementation of policies, and again others are studying psychosocial factors, like the consequences of social distancing, or policy adherence. This community response is a […]