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Benchmarking challenge

In my view, the discussions regarding the transparency of the epidemiological modelling ought to lead to a more constructive assessment of the reliability of such models. While I have not worked on mo...

Wat is de beste strategie voor testen op Covid-19?

This blog post was written by Prof. Henk van Beijeren. Nu de lockdownmaatregelen versoepeld worden is het van het grootste belang uit te vinden hoe de te verwachten toename van het reproductiegetal&nb...

Key Ingredients of Exit Strategies

This blog post was written by Prof. Henk van Beijeren and details key ingredients of exit strategies. In my opinion, an exit strategy ought to consist of two parallel tracks: reducing the number of in...

Modeling Exit Strategies: Insights from Belgium

This blog post reports on progress made in modeling exit strategies in Belgium by Dr. Bhattacharya and colleagues At this time, various governments are planning the next phases to approach the Corona ...

Crowdsourcing Ideas for Exit Strategies

On April 10 we launched Strategies versus Corona, a platform to generate, model, and evaluate different exit strategies through a massive Open Science and Citizen Science based initiative. In the firs...